Gunadasa Kapuge
Gm / m2-23

අහස උසට - Abm (Orig Key: Gm)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 


|Abm B E

ahase usete nzge giyaate - nzhznE ahasE rzNdhEnnee

|F# E Abm

ahasE maaLigaa hzdhuwate - api poLowEyi sitinnee


|B Abm E C#m

laMbe kzteyee ath waaruwe - biththi dhigee naginnee

|E C#m B F# Abm

biththiye iheLete yanekote - api podiyete pEnEnnee


simEnthi kaNdhuLin dhiye kere - sath mahalayi thanannee

palaNGchiyee kiri-kiriyayi - apee dhukete haNdannee


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